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Social media done for you

done right

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Social media done for you

done right

Case Study

Hotel Procurement Company

Empowering Executives Through Targeted LinkedIn Engagement


A family-owned and operated hotel procurement company. They work internationally with suppliers and hotel developers to design beautiful hotel experiences.


The client wanted to become a force on social media and develop an online presence that outranked its competitors.


To accomplish this, instead of focusing on just the company and business pages for their brand, we made the 3 executives of the company top, recognizable voices on each of their unique expertises within this highly focused niche in key places. We created content to post weekly on each of their personal profiles that was unique to their skills and personalities. We wrote and shared thought leadership articles monthly to the Company Page that established the brand as the respectable and trustworthy leader it is in hotel procurement.


We multiplied the reach of each executive by almost tenfold, with consistently growing impressions and engagement on each post on their personal profiles.

Each week, their profile views increased and potential customers began to reach out with inquiries.

On the Company Page, over at least a year, clicks increased by 274%, impressions increased by 496%, and engagement rate on posts improved by 62%.



Engagement Rate