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The quality of your e-commerce product photos can make the difference between getting an online sale and losing revenue. We all want photos that correctly convey the quality of our products and our company. In order for an e-commerce business to have good content to post on social media or a website, we have to remember that these product photos determine how customers will be perceiving and buying the products. The better the e-commerce product photo quality, the better your chances of converting a customer. Here are 6 ways to take great product photos for your e-commerce website that sells.

1. Use a high-quality camera

We are big fans of Canon cameras, but a lot of smartphones are catching up in resolution and are increasingly capable of taking good-quality product photos. High-quality photos reflect the quality of the product. Trust between your company and your customers will grow because your products are presented professionally. Good advertising relies on good images. In a world of visual persuasion, it’s best to make sure that your products stand out with the highest quality you can create.

2. Keep your e-commerce product photos consistent

To create consistency with the photos, a tripod or a mobile grip could create steadiness and a constant vantage point for your camera. When listing your products in an online shopping format, it is important that the initial preview shows photos from similar angles and backgrounds. If the photos all appear with different colored backgrounds and different camera styles, your website will look junky and the flow will overwhelm your customers. Flattering aesthetics and consistency create a visually appealing look for your brand. The tidiness of your content will also create an organized, professional reflection on your e-commerce business.

3. Spice it up with angles

There should be a healthy mix of both pictures with consistent vantage points and pictures with unique angles. When online customers pull up a product, then they want to see more angles of it and how it can be used in different settings. This is where you can show different product photo angles360-degree photos are also a new and unique way to set your content apart from other e-commerce websites or Facebook accounts. You can give your audience a more personal experience with your company and products through virtual reality.

4. Find the best lighting for your products

Two of the most common lighting choices are natural lighting and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is softer and easily accessible. Sunlight can vary greatly, which may create a limited or specific time frame to take product photos in the most flattering light. Artificial light controls the amount of light in which the product is presented. The only problem with artificial light is that there is more equipment that you need to buy. There are ways to create your own shadowbox at an affordable price.

As the photographer of your products, you might already know what type of lighting your product needs. Mixing both artificial and natural light for product presentation is also beneficial. Product only photos, for example, may look better in artificial light, while product use photos can look better in natural light.

5. Use flattering props

Consider using props and backgrounds. They should enhance your product, not take away from it. Props shouldn’t be the focal point of the photo. Backgrounds should be part of the aesthetic that you are creating with the photo or with your company. Props can be something that is the same color as something on the product or goes well with the product. For example, if you sell linens that go on tables, pairing those linens with plates and chargers that complement them will help customers bring the whole vision together. White, black, brown, and earthy tones are safe, distraction-free colors to work with when trying to make your product stand out. The colors you choose can influence the engagement you receive.

6. Think outside the website

Create imagery that makes your website pop and makes a great social media post or advertisement. The more marketing functions you can get out of your product photos, the better. Target your specific buyer persona(s) with curated visual content. Successful visual persuasion of your buyer persona is one of the best competitive advantages you can create when marketing. Facebook advertisers use their content to sway both the emotional and rational sides of a consumer’s thoughts. The more relatable you are to their personality and lives, the easier it becomes to increase the conversion rate for your website and create successful social media ad campaigns.

To learn more ways to improve your e-commerce sales, contact us for a free consultation.