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Social media done for you

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Have you thought about boosting your business’ online visibility through blogging? Implementing and maintaining a blog on your website is a time commitment that you have to be prepared for. Luckily, Backcourt Marketing can make it easy for you and show you why and where the payoff is worth it.

Here are ten reasons why a blog is necessary for your business.

#1. Visibility

We’ll start with the most obvious one. Blogging is essential for SEO. By using keywords and terms that are frequently searched, you are directing people to your site who may not have otherwise known about your business.

How many times a day do you find yourself turning to the internet to look for help, or for a business to serve your immediate need? Guess what? A majority of others do the same!

If you want to be noticed, it is an absolute necessity for your business to have an online presence. Your blog is there to answer the questions your potential customers are asking.

#2. Generate business leads

When people have read enough of your content, they begin to look at your knowledge as something valuable. Those readers will think of your brand when it comes time for them to need your help.

Not only could you be attracting customers, a blog is helpful for B2B purposes that could include potential sponsorships and partnerships. Working with another business on a sponsored post, or reaching out to another expert in your industry for a contribution to your blog is one small step that could lead to something bigger for your company. A blog offers a very simple foundation to make mutually beneficial partnerships happen.

#3. Establish yourself as a thought leader

Whether you’re an expert or not, you know more about your industry than those who do not work in your industry. This is enough to help someone out there.

Even sharing your most basic, elementary, 101 knowledge on a topic is usually more than most would know. Be proud of your knowledge and work and share just enough of it to inspire people to learn more about what your business has to offer.

A blog is a necessary item for branding yourself as a leader and putting yourself above your competition that doesn’t have a blog. It also helps you earn the trust of your customers.

#4. Further your brand

Remember the brand that you spent so much time discussing and finalizing? Your image? The tagline you had to narrow down to just a few catchy words?

Your brand is loaded with character, but can only be kept to a short and sweet level. We know you have a lot more to say about what your business stands for. A blog is where to let it all out (strategically, of course). You can employ a unique voice, tone and writing style that reflects upon your business.

#5. There are endless sharing opportunities

You can share your content through an email newsletter, link to it on online forums about the specific topic you cover, post it on a dozen different social media platforms, and even potentially land it in a print journal. There are endless opportunities for your piece to be shown and Backcourt Marketing finds those opportunities.

Even better, every blog post could potentially merit up to ten different social media posts. Include small snippets of information and use the different pictures within your post and you’ve got plenty of content to add to your social media calendar. The best part about it is you can use these far into the future as long as your blog post is still relevant, even if that is years from now.

#6. Kill a few PR birds with one stone

You will have news updates, business announcements, product updates, company milestones and all kinds of things you want to share. Your blog is the platform for everything you want to share.

Press releases, statements, sales, giveaways, and so much more can all be posted on your blog as an extra online boost and a place to link to for further information. A blog is an extremely convenient tool for your public relations and marketing purposes.

#7. Build an online community

With a blog, customers who have questions or comments about your product or service now have a place where they can get those questions answered. Allowing comments provides a space for those customers or leads to engage with each other and for your business to hop in and give answers.

#8. Your newsletter is already made

Do you have an email list? Compile your blog posts and send them in a bunch to your email list on a monthly basis and there you have it, a newsletter!

#9. Blogs can be monetized

Whether you’re selling a product or service, a blog is just one more way to direct people there. Sure, your business is ultimately the main source of your income. But, even if your sponsored posts, income from ads, or however you choose to monetize is just a drop in the bucket, it helps. The value of your blog extends far beyond the money it pulls in.

#10. Harness new ideas

As long as you’re keeping up a blog, you will constantly be brainstorming ideas for content. This forces you to get to study and explore your industry even more than you would have without a blog. You will be staying innovative and current and get your wheels turning on all kinds of opportunities.

Having the opportunity to learn at the same time you are generating leads, driving traffic to your business, and increasing sales is a pretty wonderful thing.

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